Just wow.
That was just.... fantastic. Just.... great.
Pretty legit sound quality. I loved it. 5/5 10/10
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Just wow.
That was just.... fantastic. Just.... great.
Pretty legit sound quality. I loved it. 5/5 10/10
What the other guy said
Yeah... When I first heard the soundtrack, I felt like I was in a legit movie theater, watching a legit movie preview.
Please do something more than maple story with this.
Dude, the gameplay on this thing is amazing. A bit difficult, but still amazing.
Pretty nifty game. I like how my computer doesn't die even after I make quite a few of these little circles. Very interesting! Keep it up.
THIS IS SO FREAKING COOL. Just thought you ought to know~
Now that's just cool.
I have to say, I can't help but hearing all of the technical work you did here. Beyond just phasing, every sound seems to have a purpose. Everything really adds to the feeling of the song very well. I find that's the hardest thing to do most of the time, to be diverse and creative, yet focused. I don't understand why there aren't more reviews and comments.
What I like the most: technical work, variety, integration of styles. Especially when the drumbeat switches from half to quarter beats. Gives it a lot of calm energy that most songs lack.
One of the background melodies that keep popping up. It's some electric arpeggination that phases in and out. That I feel emphasizes the tone the most.
Improve upon: Not much. You get your point across very well. There are lots of instrument and voices you use, but the melody I feel could change up a bit more sometimes. It's amazing the way it is, but staying on it for too long perhaps isn't overly advisable.
Perhaps you could use a high, loud reverb snare? I feel like there should be something more to make the song pop. I know it's supposed to be chill, but it's just a personal opinion. It sounds a little too well blended, if that's even possible.
Downloaded! Fantastic song. Make more, please~
Joined on 10/16/09