Just cuz it's so awesome~
This has to be like, one of the three songs on Newgrounds that people just HAVE to listen to. My favorite dubstep song, if not one of my favorites overall.
The introduction, just kills you from the start. You don't think it can get any better, then all of a sudden.... BAM dubstep in your face.
My favorite thing, however, is near the middle, when it goes quiet and ambient, and you bring back that soft, high lead. Sounds like a cry of pain. Absolutely love it.
Okay I'm done~
Make more like this! I love the loud "Yayayaya" part. I guarantee I'll download it, 5/5 it and 10/10 it if you do~ It's too bad there arent' more songs like this, my mp3 player wouldn't have any more extra space if there were~ =/